Forum Discussion

AndreasOstadEri's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

SCROM Player


Today we use a LMS who runs both the SCROM 1,2 and 2004 packages from Rise360 correctly. However in this LMS we must always go and define the "entry page". In this process we choose the file called indexAPI.html in the scromdriver folder. 

We are now moving over to another LMS, which utilises a SCROM player from Rustici Software. When uploading SCROM packages from Rise we do get an error and it canĀ“t play. We tried different steps, and found this post:

We tried to upload these packages and the player were only able to play the Storyline packages here. We se that the file structure is different from the Rise export. 

Trying to throubleshoot this we are wondering, why the packages look different, and if there is any way to modify the Rise export, since the player accepts some SCROM pacages and not all kinds? 

Also, is it common that we would have to point the player towards the entry page? This is not an option in the new LMS using the player from Rustici.

Thank you!


  • Hello Andreas,

    Happy to help!

    Based on the description that you shared, it sounds like you're encountering something that's LMS specific. Just to give you an idea of how courses are normally uploaded in the LMS that we use for testing, we do the following: 

    1. Publish the Rise 360 course for LMS distribution
    2. Open our LMS's homepage. On the main page, there is a that we can click on for adding new content. 
    3. Upload the .zip package that is created in Step 1. 

    And that's it. This gets the course ready for deployment to learners. There is no step that is needed to point to the entry page of the exported course. 

    I'd recommend testing how your course behaves in SCORM Cloud to help isolate if the issue you're experiencing is only happening in your LMS. If your course works fine in SCORM Cloud, which is operated by Rustici Software, please work with your LMS provider so they can take a closer look at what's happening.

    If you are able to replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, please open a case with our support team here to connect with our support engineers.

  • Hi Andreas,

    I can hopefully offer some clarity.

    SCORM packages, whether 1.2 or 2004, require an "imsmanifest.xml" file. This file spells out the starting page for each SCO. So, it is strange that your LMS asks you to define a start page whereas a SCORM compliant one would grab it from the imsmanifest file.

    Regarding your move to use the Rustici player, well done! I consider them the kings of the learning spec masters! They have been instrumental in shaping some of the standards that we use today.

    Both Storyline and RISE use Rustici's scormdriver to create the packages that you publish for an LMS. (Look for the scormdriver sub-folder or scormdriver.js file in the export if you don't believe me).

    Structure of the packages looks different because they are different tools and different content. But all the important bits are the same.

    The only thing that occurs to me is to double check that you published them correctly. If you still can't figure it out, ask the Rustici folk. I have talked to them many a-time and always found them to be wonderfully helpful (and no I don't have any connection to the company)!

    At the least I would try both packages in SCORM Cloud as Joe has suggested.
    I hope that helps.