Forum Discussion
Screen Readers and Course Narration
Thank you very much Phil - your answer helped me tremendously.
Please note however, that by moving the audio to a layer, while the seekbar worked for audio, the animations didn't sync. So for others in the same boat, this is how it works (and I'm so grateful for the stop, not play advice - that solved it):
1) Create base layer with animations and audio
2) Create another layer, mine called 'Accessibility Layer' with a play button - two states - normal and visited (100% transparent - change state of button when clicked)
3) On base layer, create two triggers - (i) Show layer Accessibility Layer when timeline reaches time 0m 0s if Autoplay = value False (ii) Stop audio Audio File when the timeline starts on this slide If Autoplay = value False and the state of the Play Button does not equal Normal
4) On Accessibility Layer, create two triggers - (i) Set state of Play button to Visited when the user clicks Play Button, (ii) Hide layer this layer when the user clicks Play button.
And voila, it works - could not have solved this unless I'd known to switch to Stop Media.
Thanks, Nicola