Forum Discussion

MarkParsons-663's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Rise - Cover Photo settings - 0% text contrast option

Hi. It would be great if there was  a 0% text contrast option when uploading a cover photo in settings in Rise. 

Is there any way around this through CSS?

  • AndrewNygren's avatar
    Community Member

    Consider this another vote for this change. A lot of companies (mine included) are very particular about the shade and colour of their logos and themes. Without a 0% contrast option it is almost impossible to make something that meets the brief. And it sets a very negative tone, right out the gate, during sign-off of the rest of the project.

    • GerryMcAteer-86's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello, I have posted a comment here where you can change the contrast level via modifiying the main.bundle.js after the module has been published.

      cheers Gerry :)

  • Thanks for checking in, OndÅ™ej. We haven't added a 0% option to Rise 360 cover photos, but we'll let you know if that changes. I appreciate you letting us know that you need this option! 

  • ToddWhitmer's avatar
    Community Member

    Can we please get a timeline for when the option of 0% contrast will be available? This is a frustrating limitation of a very useful and helpful tool.

    • Renz_Sevilla's avatar

      Hi Todd! No updates on this yet, but Gerry from the community has shared a comment here as a workaround to adjust the contrast level.

      If we make any changes that help or add the feature, we'll let you know!

  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    I would like a 0% option on the settings screen so that the initial logo can be set to 0%. I currently have to edit the javascript in the zip file as described in the thread linked above. I can't imagine why there isn't already the option.