Forum Discussion

RoboticsTrainin's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

Report Rise360 Course -or- Quiz Attempts to LMS


We are looking for a solution to a seemingly simple problem.

  • We want to track the number of course attempts in Rise360 in our LMS (Cornerstone) -without- having to re-assign the course from the LMS.
    • Re-assigning the course automatically from Cornerstone takes at minimum 24hr.


So, for example in Rise 360:

  1. Student takes a course and follow-up quiz
  2. Student fails quiz after 2 attempts
  3. They are blocked from continuing the course until they close and re-launch the course
  4. Relaunching the course causes a new "attempt" to be registered.
    • Here in lies problem #1
  5. Relaunching the course causes the learner progress to be reset (to reset the number of available tries for the quiz).
    • Here in lies problem #2


Problem #1

Seems like Rise is set to always have cmi.exit="suspend" and adl.nav.request="suspendAll", despite my meddling in the .js files. This means that whenever the user exits and re-enters the course, they are always in their first attempt. See reference article here: SCORM 2004 Quiz Data - Report returns all Quiz Attempt values as 1

Problem #2

Cornerstone can only reset the learner progress if the course is re-assigned to them. This takes at minimum 24hr to complete. We want the progress to reset if the learner re-enters a course (no saving of progress). Seems like this is the only way to reset the number of tries available on the quiz.

Different Approach

Setting the number of quiz retries to infinite, we would accept the quiz count in-lieu of course attempts. Seems like this is not possible?


Advice? Am I going about this all wrong? Is there a better way?

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