Forum Discussion

KayleighCardnel's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Quiz results being sent to the LMS again when a learner goes back into a completed course

We have 3 quiz questions linked to one results slide and our LMS is reporting the data as we’d expect. We are however coming into an issue when a learner has completed the course but then goes back into the course, maybe because they want to review some information again. When they go back in, the learner sees the last slide they were on but the results slide data is reported to the LMS again. So we’re getting duplicate data being reported if a learner goes back into a completed course.


Does anyone know if there’s a setting I should be selecting before publishing to stop this from happening? Or is it not possible for learners to go back into a completed course without the same quiz data being reported to the LMS again?

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Disclaimer: I have enough knowledge of basic LMS architecture and operations to be dangerous, but not enough to do more than tinker and test.

    I would say that it is not generally possible for a learner to go back to a completed course without the course file pushing the results once more to the LMS. Depending on which LMS you are working in, there may be a way to configure the user profile to allow returning without sending results, but that would be a course configuration within the LMS, not Storyline.