Forum Discussion

BettyErbert's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

Question : Question Bank / Fragebanken

I made the questions with the help of Fragenbaken, with the associated questions corresponding to the content of each folia:
The questions have 3 possibilities:
correct - go to the next question
try again: 2 times
wrong: go back to the beginning of the course.

With the help of Trigger, I was able to format the questions.

Now comes the tricky part:

in the course content, how can I link to the question?

question: wrong answer go to the slide and back to the question

PS I want to use the question bank, because in our courses there are always 10 questions and only 5 must be answered. and with the help of the Quiz Bank, you can set these parameters.


Die Fragen habe ich mit Hilfe der Fragenbaken erstellt, mit den dazugehörigen Fragen, die dem Inhalt der jeweiligen Folie entsprechen:
Die Fragen haben 3 möglichkeit:
richtig - weiter zur nächsten Frage
nochmal versuchen: 2 mal
falsch: zurück zum Anfang des Kurses gehen. Ich habe es geschafft, die Fragen mit Hilfe von Trigger zu formatieren. Die Visualisierung funktioniert

Jetzt kommt der knifflige Teil:

Wie kann ich im Kursinhalt auf die Frage verlinken?

Frage: falsche Antwort, zurück zum Folie und zurück zur Frage

PS Ich möchte die Fragenbank verwenden, weil in unseren Kursen immer 10 Fragen gestellt werden und nur 5 beantwortet werden müssen. und mit Hilfe der Quizbank kann man diese Parameter einstellen.

  • Hi Betty,

    When you say "in the course content, how can I link to the question?". How do you mean "link to the question". What would you like to achieve with linking.

    I think you are saying:

    1. User attempts question
    2. User gets the question wrong
    3. User is linked to content to review information related to the question
    4. User is linked back to the question.

    Does that summarise what you are trying to do? If so, which part of this are you having difficulty with?


    • BettyErbert's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Sam,

      what I want to do is:

      the user will have 3 times the chance to answer, if he answers wrong, he will read the content (slide) again and go back to the same question.

      As the course has 10 questions and only five must be answered, I used the help of the question bank, so that later I can prioritize the important question that should always appear and the others are by chance.

      Thanks for your help