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CarlyMojica's avatar
Community Member
18 days ago

Need Help with Triggers

I am creating triggers based on my customers' requirements. Initially, the "next" button should be disabled. Once the requirements below are met, the "next" button should be enabled. 

  • Users should be required to stay on a slide for a certain period of time (to enforce reading of content).
  • Users must click on all objective buttons (to reveal each objective) within a slide.

I also need each card (layer) to have its own audio track.

Right now, I have the following triggers created:

  • Set state of next button to disabled when the timeline on the slide starts.
  • I created a variable (timelineDone) that turns to true when the minimum time read point is reached (for example, if I want the user to stay on the slide for 10 seconds).
  • Set the state of the next button to normal when the slide elapsed time changes if the below conditions are met: 
    • objective 1 button is selected
    • objective 2 button is selected
    • objective 3 button is selected
    • objective 4 button is selected
    • timelineDone is true

I'm having trouble getting this to work. I think it's because the timelineDone variable is only tracking the base layer and not the total time from all layers. Any ideas on how i adjust my setup to make this work? 


    • CarlyMojica's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for sharing the training. That really helps.

      I have run into a scenario not covered by the slides on the training, and I'm wondering if you have ideas. I am using the objectives slide, shown below. I want the user to click on each objective and then spend a certain amount of time reading each objective before it being considered "complete". I am thinking this may not be possible on this particular slide as there is no "close" button for the objective that would be activated by the timeline for that layer reaching a certain point. Is my understanding correct or is there another way you can think of doing it? 

      The only other way I could think of doing this is by having the timeline on the base layer be long enough for the user to read the instructions and each objective. Once the required amount of time has passed, then the next button would activate. While it wouldn't force the user to spend time on each objective, the overall time required on the slide would be similar.

      As a fast reader myself, I really dislike the timing requirement. However, my client is a large enterprise company, and they have certain requirements for their trainings, including minimum timing.


      • JudyNollet's avatar
        Super Hero

        As we all agree, it's frustrating for the users to have to wait beyond the time it takes them to read the content. However, I also understand client demands...

        To meet that demand, I think the best approach in the above case is to force the user to click the buttons in order. Start by showing only the first button. When that is clicked and its content is revealed, wait a given amount of time to reveal the next button. 

        Here's an easy "timer" to use: 

        • Put an object off the slide. 
        • Give it a motion path that lasts the desired amount of time for the delay. (Be sure to delete the trigger that runs the motion path when the timeline starts.) 
        • In addition to the button trigger that shows the content, add a trigger that moves the off-slide object on its motion path when the button is clicked. 
        • Then use a trigger that changes the next button to Normal when the motion path completes. Note: You could track which button to reveal via variables. But it might be simpler to just use a separate "timer" object for each button that has to be revealed. 


        That still forces the user to spend a given amount of time on the slide. But at least it spaces it out, because they can't read all the content right away.

  • The thing is you cannot force them to read but you can frustrate them by doing this.

    I would add a visited state and validate against that not selected. You could prevent them clicking on the next one until the audio is completed by masking out the buttons. 

    • CarlyMojica's avatar
      Community Member

      Phil, I agree wholeheartedly. I'm a fast reader who has been frustrated by timed training material in the past. Unfortunately, I'm building the module for a large enterprise organization, and this is one of their minimum requirements. If it were left up to me, there would be no timing!