Forum Discussion

KirstenTieleman's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Multiple question banks: player needs to pass all of them (passing score: 80%) in order to pass the course


I'm making a course where the player must pass (minimum 80%) 6 Question banks before she/he passes the course. If - for example - the player scores on question bank 1 70%, QB 2 80%, QB3 100%; QB 4 100%; QB 5 80%; QB 6 90%. Then the player can not finish the course and must retake the test where he/she scored 70%. 

I've never done this before, so I looking at you guys for some advice.

We work with the export LMS. So we must report the status to complete/incomplete from a result slide.

Thanks in advance!

  • Add another Results slide at the end of the course that "scores" the other Results slides: 

    Note that you can choose to combine the points from each quiz or indicate that the user must pass each quiz. 

    I suggest that the Results slides for your individual quizzes include a message about the need to pass, along with the ability to retake the quiz.

    • Depending on the content, you might even want to force the learner to pass a given quiz before they can move on to the next lesson. To do that:
      • On the Failure layer of the Results Slide, put a trigger that changes the NEXT button to Disabled. 
      • On the Success layer of the Results Slide, put a trigger that changes the NEXT button to Normal.