Forum Discussion

MarianeVezina's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

Microlearning blocs with images and carousels jumping

Hi, we have created 2 microlearning in the last 2 weeks and we noticed that when we publish it, some of the blocks are "jumpy" from side to side when we "step" to them (just minimal but noticeable).  I tried turning on and off the animation block entrance and that did not work.  If I switch it from "step" to "continuous" that seems to stop it, but we would really like to keep it by "step".  Step with a number or bullet reacts the same way.  This is happening to blocs that are linked with images and carousels.  Text blocks don't seem to do this.  

This seems to be a new issue since we have not encountered this in the past.  Does anyone have a fix or workaround for this?

  • Hello Mariane,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag. 

    I did a quick test by creating a new Microlearning, adding image and carousel blocks to it, and testing it in Review 360. On my end, the transition between blocks appears to animate without any jumping or jittering. Here's the course that I used for testing. 

    Can I ask if you have your Rise 360 course hosted on a web server or LMS? Or are you seeing the behavior even when in preview mode? If you're seeing the behavior during preview, please provide me with the following information so we can take a closer look at what's happening: 

    • The share link to your Rise 360 course
    • The browser/browser version that you are using to view the content

    Looking forward to your response!