Forum Discussion

AlexandraEis357's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Merge Cells in Rise Not Working


I've been trying to manipulate a table to merge cells in Rise and it won't let me highlight more than one cell at a time so that I can do this (see attached video). When I try to highlight a second cell it just...doesn't. I've tried refreshing, logging out, and setting it aside for a couple days and coming back. 

Am I doing something wrong? 

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Alexandra,

    I had the same problem, and discovered it is actually selecting multiple cells, but not showing what has been selected.

    I managed to merge the cells, but it was a guessing game, and pure luck to actually get the right cells selected.

  • Ugh - you're right! I just got it to work after a bunch of misfires. It also did weird things like delete a cell to the side of where I was attempting to highlight. 

    Thank you for this! Glad I got it (mostly) sorted!

    Articulate Team: Could this be relayed to the dev team as something to tweak? 

  • Hi Alexandra and Karl!

    Thanks so much for bringing this up! I also noticed that highlighting cells in a table and then merging them seems erratic in Rise 360.

    I'll share this with our Engineering team, and we'll reach out to you again if we get any updates on this behavior!