Forum Discussion

sanjibnanda's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

Logic Gates for Physics lovers!

just playing around and found that SL can be tamed to create any kind of logic with its sophisticated triggering engine for creating different science calculators. I will be posting to this forum when ever i complete any in my free time, so stay tuned. 

A show case is being posted here

Your feed back will an encouragement for further such projects.

  • KawstovFLIP's avatar
    Community Member

    Nice Work Sanjib,

    An icing on the cake would be highlighting the current state in the table [A,B,OUTPUT], when an input is changed.



  • This thread is a bit older so I'm not certain that folks are still subscribed. You could reach out to them using the "contact me" button on their profile. 

  • hi, i am narenmadesh. i am in basic level in articulate storyline. what is master slide and how to use master slides.

  • For example, to create the AND gate pictured above:


    Create the graphic, with four parts: the A input circle and line (A input), the B circle and line (B input), the output circle and line, and the body. They can all sit together on the slide just as they are. Do NOT group them.

    For the A and B inputs, create a state named Selected showing the red circle and the red arrow. Normal will show the black form.

    Create a red state for the output named Active. Normal will show the black form.

    Logic:  This depends on you being able to create trigger conditions that mimic the action of a logic gate.

     Create these triggers:

    Change state of output to Normal when user clicks A input if the state of A input is not equal Selected OR the state of B input is not equal Selected

    Change state of output to Active when user clicks A input if the state of A input is equal Selected AND the state of B input is equal Selected

    Change state of output to Normal when user clicks B input if the state of A input is not equal Selected OR the state of B input is not equal Selected

    Change state of output to Active when user clicks B input if the state of A input is equal Selected AND the state of B input is equal Selected