Forum Discussion

WadeBradt's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Learner change to previously submitted quiz bank item

I'm trying to build an assessment where the learner is allowed to go BACK and change previously submitted items, but we're using an item bank so that we can randomize the questions as they're presented. So, here are my questions:

  1. If I'm using a quiz bank, can I do something (like allow multiple attempts).
  2. If I can't use multiple attempts with a quiz bank, is there a way to randomize the questions WITHOUT using a bank?

Thanks for your help,


  • WadeBradt's avatar
    Community Member

    One of the things I'm working with is that we are NOT giving feedback for questions (so "more than one attempt" is greyed out).


  • WadeBradt's avatar
    Community Member

    If I change the slide properties for each quiz item so that "Prev" and "Next" are presented instead of submit, then how do I get all of those answers to submit at the end?

    • WadeBradt's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you. I've built all this out and I think it's working ok. We have to test everything in a new LMS (Docebo), so I'll let you know how it goes. My remaining question is that this setup doesn't seem to require any "submit all responses" trigger. I assumed each individual slide's "submit" button was somehow submitting those responses for tabulation on the Results page. Don't we need something that does that for "submit all"??

  • WadeBradt's avatar
    Community Member

    Maria, 2nd question. Is there a way to require a response to the question items, before allowing them to move forward?  Right now, they can go forward without answering. Thanks.

  • Hi, Wade!

    I assumed each individual slide's "submit" button was somehow submitting those responses for tabulation on the Results page. Don't we need something that does that for "submit all"

    If you don't have a submit button, they will be automatically submitted when the user gets to the Results slide, so there's no need to add another trigger. 

    Is there a way to require a response to the question items, before allowing them to move forward?

    If I understand your question correctly, you want the users to have the ability to move back and forth between the answers (submitting all at once, as mentioned previously), but only if the question is not blank.

    If that's the case, you will need to customize each question slide with conditions that check if one of the options is selected (for True/False or Multiple choice questions) before moving to the next slide. 

    Here's an example, but keep in mind there are many different ways to build this:

    Windows 10 (1) 2021-10-04 at 9.40.14 AM

    Screen Recording 2021-10-04 at 09.41.19 AM

    Let me know if this helps!

    • WadeBradt's avatar
      Community Member

      Maria, thank you for answering my questions. That was a BIG help. Any idea how to handle Multiple Response and Sequencing questions? Those are less frequent, but still in our item bank.

  • Hi, Wade.

    I'm glad that worked for you!

    When you're using a Multiple Response question, the idea will be the same: add conditions to check if the state of Checkbox 1 is selected, OR Checkbox 2 is selected OR Checkbox 3 is selected, etc. As long as at least one box is checked, the user should be able to move forward.

    The issue that you will find with Sequence questions is that because the answers are automatically shuffled, a sequence has already started for the user, even if they don't click anything. 

    I'm hopeful others in the community might have a workaround that will work with a Sequence question.