Forum Discussion

Blue_Kearsley's avatar
Community Member
29 days ago

Font Issue in LMS

Hey folks, 

I've created my course in Rise with the 'Open Sans' font. I've published to SCORM 1.2 and when uploaded into our LMS (Litmos), the font is more like times new roman. This isn't happening on my devices, but my colleagues all see times new roman. They've cleared their caches, updated browsers to the latest version - and they see a totally different font to mine (which is odd). 

Is there any workaround? Or current bugs that may be causing this issue? It seems mine is the only device where it's not an issue. 


  • BessCrawford's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi, Blue (that's a lovely name). You probably already ruled these out, but I'm sharing just in case. You can test what you have in the SCORM cloud to find out if it's the file itself or the LMS, so that might be helpful.  

    My other thought would be to check that the LMS Lesson SCORM Information - Title and Identifier don't have any special characters in them. Also, when those fields don't match, we sometimes encounter issues. Because these two fields may be specific to just your course, it might make sense why everyone else's worked. 

    I also usually do some housekeeping like clearing my browser cache and make sure I'm using a current version of Storyline. We've had trouble with tables and GIFs, so I'd check those out. Removing those temporarily to see if it publishes might be useful.

    I have to troubleshoot ALL OF THE THINGS and have therefore been able to identify some common sticky points and common fixes. I hope these help. 

    • Blue_Kearsley's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for your thoughts, they are useful. I'll have to look into getting a SCORM cloud account - that would be so helpful to know if it's an Articulate issue, or LMS issue. There are no special characters in any of the lessons, or the course title either - though good to know it may cause an issue. 

      I've made sure that my colleagues who are affected by this issue have done the usual housekeeping. We're all using the same browser version, with a cleared cache and all windows updates installed. There are no GIF's or tables in the content, so no need to rule these out either. 

      I do usually go through those troubleshooting steps but they're still experiencing issues - which is very frustrating. I'm going to contact the dev team to see if there is any other known issue going on. 

      Thank you for your help.

      • LucianaPiazza's avatar

        Hello Blue_Kearsley

        Great call opening a support case. I see that you're working with my colleague Lejan. You're in excellent hands! 

        We'll continue the conversation over in your case. 

        Have a great afternoon!