Forum Discussion

KimDeene-38f172's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Drive_Smart Storyline interaction

I found this interaction on this site and it is a group of sliders that indicated stopping speed at specific speeds on the road. I LOVE this interaction but I have been tasked with altering it to Km/h and meters instead of Mph and feet. The variables are throwing me for a loop so I thought I would reach out since I found this template here! The math isn't mathing! 


thanks for any guidance! 



  • Are you not getting the correct numbers? Is one of the slides the original? What exactly do you want the math to do so it is mathing? What is it doing instead that qualifies as not mathing?

    One problem that the second slide has is that the cars don't move because the triggers set the wrong slider variable. They set the sliders on the first slide, not the ones on the second slide.

    Select a slider. Choose the Design tab under Slider Tools. In the upper right corner there is a Drop-down box that identifies which variable is associated with that slider. Make sure it is the same variable that your triggers are setting. Right now, they aren't.

    It appears to me to be working. The higher the speed, the longer the stopping distance, and the worse the traction, the longer the stopping distance. If you could explain what result you should get, and what you do get, it would make it much easier to help you. It would be even better if you could attach a slide from the original that is working the way you want.