Forum Discussion

LisaBicek-a6b92's avatar
Community Member
16 days ago

Custom Screen Size

Would someone please provide examples of when you would use a custom screen size? The only information I have found is that the maximum custom size is 2,047 x 2,047.
  • OwenHolt's avatar
    15 days ago

    I use a long width and a short height often when I am designing Storyline content that will specifically be shown inside of a Rise Storyline block.  Most Rise blocks tend to be more of a banner than a block so doing so helps the Storyline content fit more seamlessly into Rise.  

    Here is an example Rise course with a wide and short Storyline "banner" block example.

  • RonPrice's avatar
    15 days ago

    To Owen's point.  Putting SL in Rise may open up other possibilities.  I once had a request for and interactive Org Chart in Rise.  So I built it in SL and made the Slide size very tall and narrow so there was room for all of the levels in the organization.