Forum Discussion

MathNotermans-9's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Animate a dashed line in Storyline with GSAP

A Storyline user asked me how to do that. With the GSAP plugin DrawSVG that is quite easy. Showing how to get that done in this video.

The code for selecting a SVG, its path and animating it, is this.

let actual_accName = "lineShape";
let svgElement1 = document.querySelector("[data-acc-text='"+actual_accName+"'] > div > div > svg > g > path");
let svg2Animate1 = document.querySelector("#";

gsap.set(svg2Animate1,  {strokeDasharray:"25,25",strokeDashoffset:"0%"});,  {duration:5,strokeDasharray:"25,25",strokeDashoffset:"100%"});

Video showing this.

  • This is the webobject code:

    (function () {
    // Function to load GSAP and Text Plugin
    function loadGSAP() {
    const gsapScript = document.createElement('script');
    gsapScript.src = '';
    gsapScript.async = false;

    const textPluginScript = document.createElement('script');
    textPluginScript.src = '';
    textPluginScript.async = false;

    // Call the function to load the libraries

  • RickMaranta's avatar
    Community Member

    How do you register the DrawSVG plugin or other plugins not included using Storyline?

    • NathanStoker-c1's avatar
      Community Member

      What I have been able to find out. Storyline utilizes its own JavaScript engine and environment, which doesn't allow you to directly import or register external JavaScript libraries like GSAP plugins. We can only use core. @math Let me know if I am wrong.

  • This code works perfectly, but I am also wondering the same thing as Rick. I have tried 

    window.gsap = window.gsap || {}; // Avoid conflicts 
    window.gsap.registerPlugin(TextPlugin); // Register TextPlugin

    to register the text plugin, and it just throws me an error that TextPlugin is not defined

  • You can use GSAP plugins...but indeed need to register them. Think you can omit window...and using my favourite approach on loading external Javascript libraries by using a WebObject and a generic_javascript_functions file works best. 

    Checking some old files...and the plugins do work... however some older setups do not work anymore mostly due to Articulate changing the HTML. Some elements have extra divs or spans and thus some selectors need fixing. Gonna share the setup in a minute.

  • The fact Articulate changes HTML structure internally for me is a real pain-in-the-ass. As a lot of old code doesnot work anymore and HTML elements i target cannot be found anymore. So cannot share it easily as i would have to refactor it. But you can simply use register and it works... when working with SVG however its more difficult as on the SVG-Dom quite some things changed recently in Storyline.

  • JimCarry's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Math, I've implemented the code, and it's functioning well. However, when we extend the duration, the animation slows down significantly. Is there a solution to maintain a fast-paced animation even with longer durations?

    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Yeah shouldnot be an issue. It might have to do with the type of ease you are using...or someother elements or script is interrupting things. When not adding any easy type specifically GSAP uses some ease ( not sure which one without checking ) by default. You might need to add 'Linear.easeNone' to make sure there is no easing...

  • Math, can you get a little more specific, I would love to see a storyline file / web object. I have tried following your instructions but I have failed. 

  • Gsap as is, is included in Storyline so no need to add. I will share a sample on how to register plugins properly and work with that on our tutorial-app soon.

  • Math, this is what I got. It's probably not the most efficient way, but it worked for me. What are your thoughts? I couldn't ever get the web object working. So this is just a javascript trigger.

    const script1 = document.createElement('script');
    script1.src = "";
    script1.async = false;

    script1.onload = function() {
    function animateText() {
    const myText = document.querySelector('[data-acc-text="textIt"]');

    // Set the initial font size and color: = "64px"; = "#007bff";

    // Animate the text:, {
    duration: 2,
    text: "This is the new text",
    ease: "none"

