Forum Discussion

  • The original mention of the bug is 3 year old...i do suspect this never made it into Articulate's todo list.

  • Hello Cathy, 

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. 

    We are no longer able to replicate this behavior in Storyline 360's later version and using an updated version of NVDA screen reader. I did a test using an image with zoom enabled and alternative text added to it, and NVDA was able to recognize the text. I've attached a copy of the file that I used for testing. 

    As a troubleshooting step, please try replicating the behavior using the project file. If you are able to observe the issue, provide the following so we can take a closer look:

    • The version of Storyline 360 you have installed 
    • Which screen reader you are using, and what version
    • What the screen reader reading back to you when you tab to the image