Forum Discussion

DianeBullock-32's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

accessibility basics in Storyline

Hello, I'm new to Storyline.

1. If I want a photo to not show to screenreaders I know I can put "" as the alt text normally. However, there is also an option 'object is visible to accessibility tool' that I can uncheck. Should I just uncheck this instead and leave alt blank - what's the difference?

2. If I have an  a hotspot or an object/picture with a trigger, how do I name this object in the alt, to let someone blind know this is what they must press?

3. Is there  a tutorial somewhere that shows me how to apply object focus on the slide to ensure they look at things in the right order? For instance, in the example screenshot - I'm lost. I think I know how to re-order if it were just titles. I have a number object, a title and a hotspot link over both. What to do in these circumstances? For the picture I suppose I put  "" as it's not relevant to the info - the the focus order is not relevant as it's skipped anyway?


  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Happy to help here, Diane!

    To ignore an object completely, you'll want to either remove it from the focus order OR uncheck the object is visible to accessibility tool checkbox. Both actions have the same result. Otherwise, the object can be navigated to when using the assistive technology.

    I'd recommend sharing the action in the alt text to let a learner know that a hotspot or an object/picture is interactive. For example, if you want the learner to click a button to move to the next slide, enter next slide in the alt text.

    The default focus order is left to right and top to bottom. For each slide in Storyline 360, the focus order controls the reading order for screen readers as well as the tab order for interactive elements, such as buttons, hotspots, and data-entry fields. Here’s how it works.

    I hope this helps, and feel free to share your file with us here if you need further guidance on focus order!

    Related Resources 📚: What is Accessible E-Learning?