Forum Discussion

KyleMain-25d18a's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

100s of Courses in Articulate Review - How to find - How to Sort and Filter. Folders please

I've heard a LONG TIME AGO, that there would be updates and features for Articulate Review.

I have 100s of Courses in Articulate Review - and GROWING.  It's a pain in the Ace to scroll and scroll.

I just now realized I could use the CONTROL + F hotkey.  I'm sure a lot of you know this, but I'm sharing with others that want Search Features and filters and especially FOLDERS!!!


This Staff is great at being transparent about updates and releases to the everyone (not just Beta Testers)

We want/ Scratch that, we Need organization, please.  The longer users are populating the 360 review feature, the worse the UX becomes. The user experience needs help.

I imagine this is easy for developers (I say that as a programmer, but I don't know this code, so sorry if it's tough).  Since I can do a CONTROL + F shortcut, and it re-Organizes the tiles, then Why can't there be a search box.  Filters would help,  Sort by date.  I often look for my early published files, because I took some great courses from SL2 and brought into the new Subscription 360 model.  


Huge Thumbnails equals = a lot of scrolling.  Why not do a structure view like Windows File Explorer.  LISTS, Small Thumbnails,  Folders, search, etc.  Maybe even other NOTEs in a detail addition. Where notes could be added to the overall progress - or Are all Slides with FeedBack "Resolved" - How many feedback items

  • KeithKemsley's avatar
    Community Member

    I have hundreds of courses in Articulate Review. It's nice to have folders and search, but the folder structure is different than almost any other file management system used. The projects can be "moved" to individual folders, but they remain in the root "all content" folder. This makes it very difficult to keep track of what has been "moved" to an individual folder and what has not. And, it is, perhaps, a bit messier, or at least does not follow the normal convention for file management that most folks are accustomed to. If I'm missing something, please let me know. Thanks! 

  • RandySimmons1's avatar
    Community Member

    I agree with Keith. I "move" a project to a folder, but it is still in the root folder. This just adds to my confusion.

  • Hi Kyle,

    Folders in Review is definitely on the list, and we were able to implement it in Rise first. 

    I'm a big fan of using the CTRL +F to search all the things, so I also use it in Review. 

    I did share your post here with the rest of the team, as I know something like this could be a game changer for you and others, so we'll let you know as soon as we can on this one. I'm also not a programmer/developer/coder, but that's lucky for all of us as it would take me much longer to figure this out! 😉 

    You also mentioned a built-in search feature. Would that be preferable over folders? The majority of feature requests I've seen have focused on the folder setup vs. a search, so I may point that out to the team if it seems that they'd be comparable in terms of function but easier to build. 

    Thanks for reaching out here, and keep the ideas coming! 

    • KyleMain-25d18a's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for the reply!

      I don't know if I'd want to choose.

      I love Folders and happy to know it's officially in the works.

      When I look at the Windows PC FIle folders - It has the nestable folders,
      and you can search within that folder. You can also search within all
      sub-folders. (so ALL if you are at the top/root level.)

      I know my current main client has tons of files that would go into their
      own folder, so I would still like to discuss using the sorting tools that
      you can use in Windows (like date, or name (ascending or descending) or
      even Type - since I started uploading videos that mix in with my Review
      Storyline files).

      If we organize into folders, then the Control + F would go away. This is
      great to search ALL Review files currently, so I'd want that functionality,
      but I believe it would require a visual interface option vs. a visually
      hidden shortcut key.
      *Note - I don't know if this works on tablets/mobile, but I don't think you
      can search since you can't do the Control + F. (No Keyboard)

  • It's always hard to choose, no need to - I was more curious and gathering info for the team! I'm sure there is a happy medium.  It's not something I have an ETA for yet, and it's further down the road, so we'll let you know here once we have more info on this feature.