Forum Discussion

StephanieHarnet's avatar
Super Hero
3 days ago

Create an AI Podcast in 5 Easy Steps

For eLearning Challenge #479, I created a step-by-step tutorial about creating an AI podcast and delivered this tutorial as a video podcast, Here’s the quick take, but first take a look at the final result.

Step 1: Creating Podcast Audio

I used Notebook LM, a free tool from Google, to create an audio podcast. After uploading the materials that outlined the exact steps needed to create an AI podcast with talking avatars, I clicked the Audio Overview button, and *poof*, the podcast was created. You can feed Notebook LM many types of content on literally any subject and it will flawlessly generate a conversation about it. You can also instruct it to use a specific tone and approach. Within a minute, it created the audio along with FAQs, briefing notes, table of contents, timeline, and study notes for my topic.

Step 2: Editing the Audio

Once I created the audio, I uploaded it into Adobe Audition to separate tracks for our two podcast hosts, as this is important for the next step.

Step 3: Creating Talking Avatars

I headed over to HeyGen to bring our hosts to life as talking avatars. This was easy to do and added a fun, visual element to the podcast. You'll notice it's not perfect...yet. It's getting really close with some characters more fluent and natural than others. 

Step 4: Editing the Video

I recorded my steps using Camtasia Rev, capturing every detail of the process. Then, I brought these recordings and the avatars into Camtasia to add visual effects, sounds, titling, and more. This transformed raw footage into a polished video.

Step 5: Hosting and Repurposing as Microlearning in Rise

After editing, I showed how to share the video by uploading it to Articulate Review. Alternatively, you could also upload it to YouTube. But why stop there? I took it a step further by creating a microlearning module in Articulate Rise. This repurposing transforms the podcast into a learning event, incorporating intro and outro content we can easily expand with tips, links, and more.

Check out the video on Review and the microlearning module on Rise

Happy podcasting!


  • DanSweigert's avatar
    Community Member

    Stephanie, This was really amazing. I was really impressed by the script for the characters. The writing sounded very natural. The audio sounded pretty impressive as well with a minimum of awkward moments like when she pronounced one of the words with a weird pause in between syllables, but overall, it was pretty impressive. The video was pretty good, but you could see a lot of repitition in the movements and expressions that were more clearly random. It sort of looked like a modernized version of the robots at Disney's Carousel of Progress. But you did an excellent job creating the podcast and pulling all the elements together.