Forum Discussion

francoismarais's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Why only one green click zone in click zone question

Hello everyone
I wanted to use the free format "click zone" question and in the end, I can only ask one green click zone, all the following ones are red!

Why this limitation?

it's a shame because in fact, we have to do everything by hand

  • Hotspot questions (standard and freeform) are multiple choice questions, which means there can only be one correct answer. Green indicates the correct hotspot, and red indicates an incorrect hotspot.

    If you want a multiple-response question (that is, one that has more than one correct answer), you can create a Freeform Pick Many question. 

    Note: In a Freeform Pick Many, you can still use hotspots. You'll need to use Form View to indicate which hotspots are correct. However, they will all stay green. (Pick Many questions can "pick" any objects on the slide, so they aren't programmed to change incorrect hotspots to red.)