Forum Discussion

HenryBeckett-d5's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Why do quiz questions break?

Does anyone know why the buttons in a "pick many" would break when published?

(the first image is how it shows within Storyline, the second what happens when published (and none of the buttons works))

Thanks in advance!

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Henry, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ⭐️

    Thanks for reaching out and including those screenshots—that definitely isn't the expected behavior!

    Without taking a peek at your file, it's hard to say what's causing those buttons to stop working after publishing. If you could share your file publicly here or privately here —I'm happy to help troubleshoot!

  • I figured out the answer.  Shuffling the answers broke the question.  When the answers were set not to shuffle, it worked fine.

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello again, Henry!

    Happy you were able to solve this, and I appreciate you stopping back by with an update!

    Please feel free to connect with a support engineer if you'd like one of my teammates to help investigate why the shuffle answers feature isn't working properly—they're happy to lend a hand!

  • Thanks Becca - if they're interested in fixing this problem, they just need to set up a free-form pick many question and watch it break when set to shuffle answers.  It seems to happen every time (unless the shuffling just happens to match the original order by chance).