Forum Discussion

JeanMarrapodi-c's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Video Autoplay Not Working


I have a simple 3 slide project that the video autoplay is not working on. Slide 1 is the title, slide 2 is the video, and slide 3 is followup info.

Slide 1 is set to automatically advance, then in slide 2, the video is set to autoplay, but it just hangs there.


Here's the link to Review 360, and I'm attaching the Storyline file to see if anyone can see what's missing. If you look at the different versions in Review, you can see all the ways I've been trying. 

    • JeanMarrapodi-c's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks, Richard. This did the trick. Thanks for finding the workaround for me. You're a peach! 

      • RichardWatson's avatar
        Super Hero


        You are very welcome. Glad it worked for you. As you can see, there is  always more than one way to accomplish something  in Storyline 360. It’s a great tool.  Thanks Juergen for adding additional information to the conversation. By helping each other, we can make this community stronger.


  • >Slide 1 is set to automatically advance

    without audio - > this is the problem - no user interaction, no autoplay of video with audio

    you can add on slide 1  a "silent" audio -> storyline player adds the necessary play button on start of the course

    • JeanMarrapodi-c's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks, Jurgen. I wound up testing Richard's solution first, which worked, but yours seems like it would have worked. How would you add silent audio? Add audio with a little silence from the top of the audio editor? Then use the auto advance into the video set to autoplay?

      I will say, I learned a ton of functionality in this little project and appreciate your help!

  • you have to add the silence audio on a layer - nothing more

    result: whenever necessary, storyline adds the play button -> autoplay will be work afterwards

    that's very important if you use on the first slide "Video from Websites..." (Youtube, Vimeo, ...)

    • JeanMarrapodi-c's avatar
      Community Member

      Super. That's easier than I thought. I learned the hard way how to get rid of the opening blank black screen when a project starts by adding the first slide or an image into the player. I wish that was a little more intuitive. My students are always baffled by that. 

      I appreciate your help and the sample. 

  • For anyone reading this in the future, I made a ton of discoveries doing this. One of the key ones beyond getting this functionality to cooperate was finding out if you add the video play bar to the video it gives you the option of a moving transcript on the side, rather than the side panel reading the notes panel as a static rendering of the whole transcript, which I suppose would be useful if you just wanted to read what was in the movie. I didn't know that Storyline did this. It's one more nifty #accessiblity feature Storyline gives us. Thanks, dev team for adding such helpful features.