Forum Discussion
Update: Articulate 360 will discontinue support for Internet Explorer 11
Hey, all who might be following this:
We LMS Admins and Learning Orgs must account for changes in browser related technology.
My organization (mainly me and my application support team that maintains our LMS) had a bear of a time getting our content working on Edge. Shoutout to Taylor and others on the Articulate Support team. (Thank you, Taylor for the above and beyond!)
Ultimately, we spent too much time dealing with one of those very tiny issues that causes problems (secure vs unsecure HTTP links).
A bigger issue was an opportunity to make our LMS validation procedures more robust. Because not all our developers were updating their Storyline when updates occured, and while those WBTs worked on IE11, they did not work on Edge. (Storyline 360 isn't an option for us).
As an LMS Admin (and Storyline developer), the headaches became an opportunity to update our validation and review procedures to:
1) Ensure any content being added or revised be built in current Storyline 3 version, and
2) Establish a firm republish/retire/revise protocol.
It has to be updated periodically to avoid the stress of things like Flash End of Life, and IE11 retirement, and other browser technology changes. So my validation procedures not include checking the Storyline build version before I start testing. And the content development procedures are being updated to include a minimum two year review cycle that will include republishing even if nothing is changing. We happen to have some content that has been around in one version or another for over 10 years. It's evolved, but still valid. And it must be able to function in the current Storyline build.
In my experience, the interruptive technology changes are more likely after two years. Some are bigger than others, but if content gets republished in a current build at least every two years, there's less likely of the scrambles like Flash end of Life, or as we discovered, synchronous xhr.
Updating 150+ WBTs at a time isn't ideal. So read those release notes and keep content in current builds. :D