Forum Discussion

MichaelNilss577's avatar
Community Member
20 days ago

Trigger video to start in separate window

Hi, everyone!

Is it possible to create this in Storyline (see enclosed file): 

A client wants a series of lessons on their company's different safety procedures, and they want the video to start when the user clicks on a section of the screen. Is this easy to set-up and is it even possible?

How is the quality of video affected if it is "baked in" in Storyline? Is it at least 1080p? I guess it's not possible to embed links from Vimeo in the right window, even though the quality would be much better...

Best regards, Michael Nilsson, Sweden

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes, this is possible, though I would probably advise that you launch the video in a layer or lightbox slide instead of a small window within the same slide (unless the video is already a small-frame-size video). Now - is it possible to launch several different videos in the same location on the slide ? I do not believe that would be feasible without using layers.

    The video quality (as you suspect) is another reason to have the video launch in a separate window.

    • MichaelNilss577's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi JHaugie and thanks for replying!

      It would be fine to use layers, but I will test and see the quality of the videos... Furthermore, this is something that needs to work on all platforms as well as smartphones, so I wonder which would be best...