Forum Discussion
Storyline360, Animation and GSAP ( Greensock )
As said in this post i found evidence of Storyline360 using Greensock's library. So i wanted to figure out what is possible with it without the need of adding the newer libraries of GSAP 3.
Well as you can see in the attached SL360 file Articulate uses TweenLite version 1.11.8, on publishing it shows that in the console.
So right of the bat, without any extra code libraries you can use TweenLite code like shown in the sample.
Because Articulate removed JQuery from its common scripts, we cannot use JQuery selectors without adding extra libraries. So selecting the element on stage is selected by using a document.querySelectorAll for a given 'acc-text', and then moved by TweenLite.
So using code like this..
var hammerElements = document.querySelectorAll("[data-acc-text='hammer01']")[0], 1,{x:"+=25"});
You can animate anything with code in a default Storyline.
Alas TweenMax and GSAP plugins are not available default...
Kind regards,