Forum Discussion

JoelObrecht-033's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline open next module in the LMS (SCO) works only in a result sheet

Hello all,

I have a course that has several modules that are chained together. Of course, our LMS is configured to jump to the next course once the former course is reported as finished. In the last slide of each module, I put a link to the next one, using the proper link provided by our LMS, such as :

I found that our (proprietary) LMS only opens directly the next course if I'm on the result slide of the current course (which is reported as finished when the quiz ends). If I put the same triggers on the next slide, the user is kicked out of the course and has to reclick on it to resume his progression.

Why is that ? I tested also several ways to "clear" the course, none of those worked but that one. 

Also, I hope that it will continue to work, because chaining modules is a primordial feature of our course (which is an exam quiz).

Thanks for your explanations, I hope this will still work in the future iterations of Storyline !

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