Forum Discussion

simondavidetrit's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Storyline: formatting notes font and background


as many times happens, little need, big troubles. I simply want to change the font and background of the notes when they're displayed in the player layout; the need comes from a tool's trivial limitation: for the modern player, when the color scheme is set to dark, the notes background gets black but the font still stays black (it should be turned white, shouldn't it?) so you simply cannot read them.

Easy, I said, I just need to globally change the notes font color, should be easy, but it's not.

First I came across this discussion:

It made it very easy, but I got mad before discovering that the advanced color settings menu mentioned in the post is only found in the classic player, not in the modern style; too bad, how am I supposed to be changing the notes defaults in that style? Ok, so I switched to classic layout, did the recommended steps but they don't work; so I had to switch also the player's color scheme to light, and finally the black font over the white background saved my life.

Two points: 1) please turn the font color automatically to  light/white when selected color scheme is dark; 2) how can I get the font color I want by default with any player type/color scheme?
