Forum Discussion

raghulsekharck's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Slide initial state

when i go to next slide and come back to home slide its starting from the first point.


what i need is i have many options one by one participants need to click and view.

one option completed its state should change and next one should enable

  • Hi, Raghulsekhar.

    Without seeing the file, it's hard to know exactly what might be preventing it from behaving as expected. 

    I tried to simulate your scenario:

    • Two buttons: one is enabled and the other disabled.
    • The second button gets enabled once the first is visited.
    • The first slide has audio that plays once the timeline starts.

    You want the audio to play only the first time the slide loads, correct? I created a short Peek 360 recording showing you how I would approach this. If your scenario is different, please upload the project or a sample .story file so we can better assist you.  

  • Hi, Raghulsekhar.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    On your screenshot, where it says When Revisiting, can you change it in Storyline to Resume saved state to see if it behaves as expected?

    Let me know if this works!

  • No. when i change "resume saved state" 

    State of the previous options not changing to visited.

  • Hi, Raghulsekhar.

    Are you comfortable sharing your .story file? I'm happy to take a look and offer suggestions!

  • my requirement is audio and animation should not come while revisiting...its should start from state changed with first option...