Forum Discussion

JohnDallas-fee0's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Sending User to Section of Rise Course with Storyline Block


I've created a Storyline interaction and uploaded it into one of my Rise courses with the new Storyline block feature. Inside that Storyline interaction I have a link saying "see resources on lesson 3". Can I send the user to that page once they've clicked the link inside the Storyline block? 


  • Hey John,

    That's an interesting idea! Since you'll publish the Storyline content to Articulate Review prior to publishing and hosting the Rise course, you wouldn't be able to insert a link from the published Rise course into Storyline. 

    I have another idea for you, though! Try adding a Button Interaction below the Storyline Block. Then, set the button destination to be "lesson 3". Give it a try!

  • Hello, is there any update on this subject? I'd like to do the same thing.


    • CNavarro's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Thibault, there isn't a way to add a link in the Storyline interaction to direct the learner to a specific lesson in the Rise 360 course. Have you tried using the Button block as seen in Alyssa's GIF? 

  • I've try but it's not  really the solution I want to use.

    I've manage to get the link to a specific lesson, by publishing the rise course with a button block linking to the lesson I want and then get the link by inspecting the web page.

    I've then edit my storyline course, republished it and add it to the rise course.

    The link seems to work, but it'll open on a new page, and not inside the actual page of my LMS (changing the whole URL instead of the one in the iframe content)

    I'm actually trying to figure out how the link of the rise button is making the changes to the iframe content to copy the method into storyline

    • Renz_Sevilla's avatar

      Hi Thibault! 

      Thanks for reaching out! This will not work if the link you copied from your published course in your LMS points to a specific session. This would be why it opens in a new tab separate from your current session. 

      That being said, the community may be able to chime in with a creative solution for you!