Forum Discussion

DorYerushalmi's avatar
Community Member
8 days ago

Selling my course to different learning centers with different LMS

Hi everyone!

As I'm new to this, would love to get your advice on the matter.

I Have a couple of courses made in Storyline, which I would like to sell to different learning centers, each center uses its own different LMS (some are well known, some less).


Since I don't have control over the learning center's LMS, what's my best option? Should I provide the SCORM package somehow? Can I upload my courses in a different format?


I don't want to send out the zip files for the different centers to upload to their own LMS, because I want to keep my courses protected.


What do you think is my best option?



  • You can use Scormcloud to send a package that you control

    • DorYerushalmi's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks PhilMayor !

      Does that mean the learner data will be reported to each center's LMS? 

      The different LMS managers must control the student's enrollment and their data, of course, in each LMS. Can they do that with Scormcloud?

      Also, are there any free options?

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    A previous employer with a global footprint used SCORM Cloud Dispatch to deliver eLearning courses to its customer base from a single hosted platform. Dispatch allowed us to deliver courses to the learners via their organization's LMS' while still maintaining ownership and control of the courses. With Dispatch, we were able to ensure everyone were viewing the same version of the course, and we could retrieve detailed usage analytics, including access, completions, responses, and more.

    SCORM Cloud Dispatch

    • DorYerushalmi's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks JoeFrancis !

      Does that mean the learner data will be reported to each center's LMS? 

      The different LMS managers must control the student's enrollment and their data, of course, in each LMS. Can they do that with Scormcloud?

      Also, are there any free options?