Forum Discussion

JimDeRosa's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise quiz "Add Question" button interface problem

Is this a known issue in Rise and is a fix forthcoming?

When clicking "Add Question" while creating a quiz, the options appear behind the existing questions, making it difficult to create a new question.


  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Jim,

    I've seen that happen a few times before, however it does not happen consistently.

    When it happens, I exit the quiz, and then return and continue editing.

  • JimDeRosa's avatar
    Community Member

    It is consistent. No amount of quitting and returning makes it stop.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Jim,

      Yesterday I created several quizzes and did not encounter this problem once.

      I just created my first quiz for today, and you are correct, for some reason this has now become a persistent problem. 

      It works OK for creating the first question in the quiz, but thereafter there seems to be a layering issue as shown in your screenshot.

  • Hi All, 

    I have the same issue with the interference.

    Is there any solution that is upcoming, since I can see that the issue was reported 5 months ago?


    • LeaSAgato's avatar

      Hi Mariya! I'm sorry you're getting this issue! We have this documented as a possible bug.  If we get an update on the status, we'll let you know here.  You're in the right place!

      • KarlMuller's avatar
        Community Member

        It's definitely a bug that I encounter fairly often.

        It's one of those bugs that only occur under certain conditions, and I've not been able to determine the exact conditions to reproduce.

  • Hi folks! I'm happy to let you know that we released an update for Rise 360. The issue where the "Add question" menu seems to be overlapped by the selected quiz title when editing the quiz has been fixed. Let us know if you're no longer seeing this issue or if you have any questions!

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Lea,

      Thanks for the update.

      Will keep you posted.