Forum Discussion

MickySurisiay's avatar
Community Member
8 years ago

Resuming with restricted navigation

Hello everybody,

This was done in Storyline 360.

I have a course where the navigation restriction is set to 'restricted'.

I've set the resume option to 'Always resume'

I have published the course, launched it, viewed several pages and closed it.

When I launch the course again, I do resume on the page where I closed the course.

However my problem is the following, when I open the menu it does not let me jump to slides from scenes that I previously visited. Which I would expect to be the behavior when choosing 'restricted'.

I've tested this in our LMS and ScormCloud with the same results.

Does anyone have a solution for this?


Thanks in advance,



  • WISH LIST (menu restricted). Please add an ini file to the root to control menu FREE, RESTRICTED, LOCKED.

    I have to get approval before final zip file is created. I have to republish the coarse just to change from FREE (when the approval people jump around to see final changes) and RESTRICTED (when the Gawds above final say zip it).

    Life would be better is I only have to change the setting in 1 file on the root e.g. " menu.ini"

  • We are experiencing this exact issue for several months now. If we use Studio 360, and publish a course via PowerPoint/Presenter, with restricted navigation students are not able to resume the course and have previously viewed slides still marked as viewed. It does not matter what type of SCORM or TinCan we use. The issue is replicable across browsers in SCROMCloud, so it most definitely is the authoring software. If we use Storyline, however, there is no issue. I'm really hoping there is a fix for Studio forthcoming.

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hi Shulamit!

      Sorry for the trouble! I see that you've worked with my teammate, Rowie, in a support case, and Rowie has logged this behavior as a software bug. We'll continue looking at this bug and update you in this discussion when we release a fix!

  • Hi, Dani, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

    Working with an LMS can be very specific, so we recommend testing your course with SCORM Cloud. Check out this step-by-step article!

    If your course works as expected in SCORM Cloud, I would advise you to reach out to SuccessFactors for more information on the settings on their end. 

    If you still see the same behavior in SCORM Cloud, my recommendation would be to open a support case here, so we can take a closer look at your settings.

    Let me know if this works!