Forum Discussion

kelk's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Relative References? Using "Resources" as Web Objects

Does anyone have any advice on how I can use a Resource within Storyline 360 as a Web Object inside of the module's content?

I have a series of Web Objects in my project that link to specific pages within a publicly available PDF. The same PDF is saved as a Resource in the Player settings of my project.

Rather than using the open internet address for the publicly available PDF, I'd like to use the version that I have uploaded as a Resource instead.

Some learners live under very strict I.T. policies that do not allow external sources. Additionally, this module will be posted in many places, meaning that I cannot specify an absolute website address (say, the LMS) without having to edit every copy we distribute beforehand. 

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide!

  • Hi Kel!

    I think I have a solution for you! Can you download the PDF to your computer and link it from there? That way it would no longer be public. If copyright is a worry, you can credit the creators of the PDF in your course somewhere. Here is a link with some information on how to do that!!

    Thanks for reaching out!