Forum Discussion
Problems with a javascript
Thank you Walt for your interest
Do you want to separate the variables in JavaScript, or in StoryLine?
When setting up a story to share with you I realized that Javascript does not separate the first name from the last name, it only stores it (the whole name) in the "Last name" variable. How can I separate name from surname?
When you refer to the variable as "working", what do you want it to do, and what does it do instead?
That returns the value of the variable ("Name"; "Last name" of the person logged into the LMS.
What are the other triggers that don't work? By "pass to", do you mean to jump to other slides, or pass variable contents to other slides?
In the story I share it works without problems. In the original, when Javascript is active, the triggers to move to the questions do not work. When Javascript is disabled it works smoothly (you can access the questions).
If you can define these questions, and attach your .story here, it will be much easier for someone to help you.
I thought that sharing the story didn't make sense, since the problem is related to the LMS and I can't test it with the same LMS as me. I have also had to reduce it as much as possible, it contains many graphs, animations, GIFS and copyrighted elements that I cannot share. I leave you a Story reduced to the maximum
Thank you for your interest and help