Forum Discussion

JohnColangelo's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Peek 360 and Mac

Hello everyone.

I have just finished Daniel Brigham's Storyline Essentials on LinkedIn. 

When I went to download it, I was pushed over to Peek 360 because I have a Mac.

I downloaded the software but when I click on the application nothing happens. And I want to know if I am making a mistake somewhere without realizing it. 

Thank you for your help.


  • JohnColangelo's avatar
    Community Member

    Furthermore, the only thing on my computer is a camera. And when I click on it, nothing happens. 

    I am trying to use Storyline on my Mac. Can I use it or not?

  • Storyline is Windows only you can run it using a virtual machine

  • JohnColangelo's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you Phil for your quick response. Would Rise be a better alternative for me?

  • Rise is browser based will work on a Mac, I work on a Mac and use Parallels to run Storyline works fine now.

    • JohnColangelo's avatar
      Community Member

      I guess my next question is what are Parallels?

      Thanks again for the quick response.

      Get Outlook for iOS

    • JohnColangelo's avatar
      Community Member

      No worries. I have just found out what Parallels are.
      Thank you 🙏, Phil

      Get Outlook for iOS

  • Hi John, 

    Glad to hear you resolved your question! If any other questions or discoveries come up, feel free to reach out in the community. 

    For other community members that come across this thread, here's some additional information about Parallels Desktop when working on a Mac: 

    Have a great day, and happy developing! ✨

    • JohnColangelo's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you, Luciana. My most immediate solution is to study Rise 360 and when I can afford to do so, I will purchase a laptop just for Storyline. 

      I will take this one step at a time. 

