Forum Discussion

MarieHorniecka's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Multiple quiz slides not proceeding/submitting

I am obviously making the same mistake in the quiz creation, but I cannot find it... I have multiple slides with pick-many questions, the first pick-many slide submits correctly (I have a variable (T/F) for ticking the answer + change of state for the next button + jump to next slide). However, for the other following slides this does not work - the change of state of the next button does not happen, even after ticking some answers.

Please, where am I making the mistake?


Thanks a million!

  • Hello Marie, 

    The reason why the question slides in your project are not submitting beyond the first one is due to a mismatch of the variables in the triggers. 

    In the screenshot above for example, only the variable 'vyplněno_otazky2' is actively changing on the slide when one of the options is selected. To correct the issue, you'll need to change the triggers so that the variables match: 

    Hope this helps!