Forum Discussion
LMS not recognizing quiz retries limit
Hello! I am working to import a quiz from Rise360 into TalentLMS. I have set the quiz settings to passing score of 80%, require passing score to continue, and limited quiz retries to 2. However, when I export the quiz as a SCORM file, and import it into TalentLMS, my test student account is able to select the "Take Again" button within the embedded SCORM file as many times as I'd like. Is there a setting I am missing to ensure that the LMS recognizes the retake limit?
Hi Kimberly,
Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!
I understand you've set a passing score of 80% and attempts to 2, but learners can retry the quiz as many times as they'd like. The quiz settings of require passing score to continue and limited number of tries are not meant to be used together.
If you choose to require a passing score to continue, you'll need to allow learners to keep retaking the quiz until they receive a passing score. I hope this helps! If you have any questions, please let us know here or privately in a support case.
- KimberlyDill439Community Member
Hello Kimberly,
If you have the Quiz Retries setting set to 2, you should see the "Take Again" button disappear after exhausing the two quiz attempts. Here's a sample quiz so you can observe this behavior. Can I ask if the behavior is correct when you preview your course or test it in Review 360?
If this setting isn't working properly in your course, please open a case with our support team here so we can test it.