Forum Discussion

DickVisser-1cb7's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Link to an element on the same page (Rise)

Back in the good old days, when we created plain html, we could link to an element on the same page, thus we could create an index of the topics on top of the page.
This is especially usefull when content is used as a reference guide.
In Rise however this is not possible, we can only create text links to an external url.
Does anybody knows a workaround to create such an anchor element in Rise?

  • I have a project needing this, this week. Seems like such an easy request but I can't deliver on it. A unique ID for each block would do it. There is a class identifier for each block but we can't refer to it with an html link...
    <div class="block block--mounted" data-block-id="clvk59w3e01ii35788lw4017y">

  • Creating internal links would be very useful. I would love to create easy footnotes/ extra resource links in my Rise Courses.

  • JasonHarwell's avatar
    Community Member

    +100 votes here for this, to much improve Accessibility & 508 Compliance:

    I've read all your related articles. But in order to use those interactives which are important teaching tools,

    We need to allow blind users to skip over, to their text-based alts,

    so their screen-readers aren't sent haywire from encountering content that's so disorienting to them.

    An easy way would be with html anchors that say "click here to jump to text-based alternative" so they can just bypass the inaccessible content.

    Right now we have to use beacon images with alt-text that warns them what's ahead, and tells them to ignore all the inaccessible stuff they're about to hit, until they reach its text-based alts and can proceed as normal.

    The Accessibility controls in Storyline 360 are excellent, and the same should be a core, first-priority feature of Rise 360 as well.

    At very least, using page anchors to let us hop a 508 user past inaccessible features to their text alts,

    but even better if possible would be to just let us remove blocks from the focus order entirely, as we've always been able to do in SL.

    This would also be much quicker/easier for you all as developers, than having to make all your interactives WCAG 2.1, which may ultimately be impossible.

    This would pretty much resolve that issue.