Forum Discussion

JulianRegan's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Jump to Slide triggers won't work when importing block into Rise

I've been working on a relatively simple project, but keep running into small frustrations. Allow me to summarise.

  • I'm using this template, downloaded from this page. The block just requires viewers to click on each of the 4 tabs linked from the base layer slide and view the content. Nothing more than that.
  • The template I'm using has only one slide, with 4 additional layers on top.
  • When inserting this into Rise, I want to make sure the users complete the above interaction before the Continue button becomes visible. In this case, "complete" means look at all 4 layers.
  • The first time I tested this, the Continue button became visible as soon as the user had started the Storyline interaction. I now realise that this is because the completion tracker settings in Publish are set to "all slides" and there is only one slide. There is no option, as far as I can tell, to include layers in completion tracking. 
  • I tried a few things, but in the end, I decided to create new slides, duplicated the master slide 4 times. This means there are 5 slides in total.
  • Based on suggestions from other posts on this forum, I first of all changed each of the 4 new slides, and on each different one, made a trigger to show the target layer as soon as the timeline starts. This looked good in principle, but it simply did nothing when I tried to preview it.
  • Instead, I copied the content from the target layer, pasted it on top of the base slide, hid/disabled all unwanted content, and made sure that each of them had a button taking the user back to the home slide, from where they could move on to the second tab, and so on.
  • This worked fine when previewing it in Storyline, but when I published this to Review 360 and inserted in my Rise course, nothing happens when clicking on the triggers that are supposed to jump to the 4 new slides. I'm just stuck on the home slide. I really can't tell what I've done wrong.

    Any help with this would be much appreciated. I've attached the latest version of the Storyline file that I'm working on.
  • You can use one slide with 4 layers and require a user to view all the layers before they can continue in Rise. 

    • Add a Visited state to each of the tabs/buttons. 
      • By the way, since the tabs aren't visible when the associated content shows, there's no need for them to have a Selected state.
    • Add a Complete course trigger that runs when all of the tab-buttons are Visited. That would look like this: 

    • When you publish the Storyline file to Review 360, set it to track completion via the trigger. Be sure to deselect tracking via slides viewed.

  • JulianRegan's avatar
    Community Member

    That works perfectly Judy, thanks so much. I had actually tried a variation of that yesterday, but I didn't set it up correctly (I was trying to create a trigger based on the user's actions, rather than the state of each tab, plus I forgot to change the tracking options from slides to triggers). Luckily I'd saved that version before moving on to a version where I deleted all the layers, so this is now working in Rise.

    This still doesn't explain why the other version of the SL file which I attached - the one with slides rather than layers - was not behaving the same in Rise as it was in the SL preview.