Forum Discussion

MatthewCaisley's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Javascript - script to update text not working

Hi - I'm trying to set a feedback layer to a multiple choice question to display different text depending on which answers are given (the user can select more than one answer)
So if they select wrong answer 1 - it adds feedback 1
If they select wrong answer 2 - it adds feedback 2

If they select wrong answer 3 - it adds feedback 3 

so, for example, selecting wrong answers 1 & 3 gets feedback 1 & 3, skipping out 2.

I'm using Javascript to add the feedback, executing if they've selected a given response. The variable to check which response they've given is being used elsewhere on screen and working well, so I think the problem must be in my Javascript.

var player = GetPlayer();
var newfeedback = player.GetVar("feedback1pt7") + "Feedback Text 1<br/><br/>";
player.SetVar("feedback1pt7", newfeedback);

I used this project as the basis:


  • Update: I've added


    in a few places to check. Everywhere I do this, the console gives me the following message:

    "ds-bootstrap.min.js:11 actionator::exeJavaScript - this.execUserJs is not a function"

  • Are you testing online?

    Code looks OK, I wonder if you have other JS that is broken or if the variable are not defined in storyline or you have a typo

    • MatthewCaisley's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Phil, thanks for following up.  The variables are all defined (we're using them elsewhere without issue), but i wouldn't put it past me to have some incorrect JS somewhere else in the project. 

      Would having other JS in the project that doesn't work break the JS everywhere? A bit new to this side of articulate.

  • All the JS in storyline is stored in one file user.js and one error can bomb everything

    • MatthewCaisley's avatar
      Community Member

      Good to know! I removed everything but the JS I refered to above and that's resolved the issue. Thanks very much.