Forum Discussion

ChadBateman's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Importing PPTA with Quiz or Quizmaker into Storyline 360

I'm very new and have been just converting PPTX to PPTA.  I was challenged with inserting video and thus I had to move to Storyline.  I think I've figured everything out except how to have a timer just on the quiz portion of my Story.  If I import the PPTA with quiz or Quizmaker, the timer consumes the entire scene and not just the quiz.

  • TaylorMaruca1's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello Chad!

    Have you added a results slide to your course? There's a way you can add a timer there with the amount of time you want and select the slides you want to apply that timer to. I've included a post below that has detailed instructions on this. I also added a link for importing slides for Quizmaker just in case. Good luck!

    Add a timer to quiz

    Importing slides from Quizmaker