Forum Discussion

DavidAnctil-4ee's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Ideas for "Reflect" prompts

Hi folks! I create a ton of learning modules for an ed organization, and am positioned to streamline a lot of our design work this year. I'm wondering if anyone has any cool/visually interesting ways to separate Reflection prompts in their modules... we offer so many of these throughout our courses, and they really blend in with the module and don't call out to our learners to stop and reflect significantly. Currently, they mostly look like you see in the attachment below. These are pieces of a lesson, not stand-alone lessons.

We basically just create a new header block and make the background teal and text white. This varies from our standard header, which is no background with black text. I feel like it doesn't jump out enough - I'm considering doing a thin text over image instead, but that also still feels kind of simple and I don't have any great visual inspiration for what that could look like.

I'm not looking to copy anything, but AM looking for inspiration - how are you all separating any reflect / stop and think / pause and consider prompts in your modules, especially when you're producing a lot and want a cohesive look across the experiences? Have you come across any techniques that seem really cool that you'd like to share?