Forum Discussion

JohnShelton-e60's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

How does autofit work?

Can someone explain how autofit works? I have a course that displays as intended for me in Storyline/Review/LMS/etc., but for some users on some slides where text boxes are set to "resize shape to fit text," the text is wrapping around an extra line and throwing off the design. I've changed resolution, text size, and any other display option I can find on my computer and I can't replicate it. What exactly is different about their computers that's causing the text to resize for them but not me? (BTW, I'm referring to the old autofit, not the "upgraded" one that puts scrollbars everywhere.) 

Also, I'm having a hard time understanding when you would ever want the text to autofit. Outside of a very basic slide with a huge block of text, isn't autofit always potentially going to mess up the formatting of your slide? Why would you ever want that out of your control?

  • Personally, I never use the autofit option to "shrink text on overflow" since it will change the size of the text. The other autofit option, resize shape to fit text, is something I also avoid because it can affect line breaks. 

    Thanks for clarifying that you're using the default text options and now the upgraded project text.

    Do you know if "accessible text" is enabled in the player? This option is available in the player tab even if you haven't upgraded project text. 

    It's also possible the learner's using a chrome extension like Helperbird to control the text sizing and spacing. 

  • Agree with David on all points. I switch off most autofit functions. Accessible text is often the reason for odd users visuals