Forum Discussion

CdricCharles's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Get unique userID in initial URL and send it back when the "quiz" is successfully completed

Hello there :)

I'm totally new to Storyline 360, so please forgive me if the question has already been answered millions times…

I have created a quiz with Storyline. People will access the quiz thanks to a business card they will receive at an event. Thanks to the business card, they will be able to scan a QR Code containing a unique url that sent them to a landing page with a unique userID attached (let's say: https// When they click on a button on that landing page, they will be redirected to the quiz URL, with a the URL parameter containing the unique "userID" (like this "?userID=1234").

Then, they will start the quiz. At the end of the quiz, I want to redirect them to a "thank you" page on my website, but my website needs to get the userID back to know who has successfully completed the quiz and store its userID (url like https// 

I've managed to handle the website part (dynamically get the userID from URL and put it as a parameter of the button, get the userID when on the thank-you page and store it in the DB).

But now I need to make the connexion between the landing page, the quizz and the thank-you page. How can I get the userID at the start of the quiz and put it in the redirect URL at the end of the quiz ?

I hope this is clear enough :p

Thank you in advance,


  • Hi Cedric,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Your design requirement looks like it can be done using Javascript, so I'll let member of the community chime in in case they have some code that you can use to include the values of the variables to the query string of the URL.