Forum Discussion

DelphineThib200's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Format libre - zone de clic - avec panneau de défilement


j'ai créé une diapo format libre - avec 5 zones de clics sur une image longue en hauteur que je fais défiler dans un panneau de défilement.

Un seule zone est correcte à la fois, 5 zones sont identifiables et bien incluses dans le panneau de défilement.

Lorsque je fais une preview, les zones cliquables ne se limitent pas au panneau de défilement. Comment je peux faire ?

De plus, la zone correcte ne mène pas toujours à l'écran de bonne réponse (si on clique sur la bonne zone au 1er coup, c ok ; sinon il ne la considère pas comme une zone de bonne réponse). Le déclencheur Valider la zone de clic se déclenche au clic de l'utilisateur sur la bonne zone.

Je suis coincée...

  • Hi Delphine, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out about your freeform question slide! Happy to help! 

    I have a few questions in order to better assist you:

    • I’m curious to know your steps for creating this. Could you please share in more detail so I better understand?
      • For example, Did you include a Freeform Hotspot Question, or did you select a different option when creating this slide? Here are the Built-in options that I see within Storyline 360:

      • Where are you currently seeing your Hotspots located when viewing the timeline?  Are they nested under the Scroll Panel or on their own?

    Attached you'll find a .story file where I attempted to re-create your course. Here's a quick Peek where I explain the setup on my end. I'd love to hear if you had a similar approach or tried a different workflow! 

    It would be very helpful to take a closer look at your file. Please feel free to upload this to the thread or privately in a support case.

    Looking forward to hearing from you! 

  • Hi Delphine,

    Thank you for sharing your .story file with us!

    I wanted to send along a follow-up reply. When viewing your course, I see in Form View that the image you added is not included in the scrolling panel.  Perhaps this is why the hotspots are not placed over the image as you had expected. I'd recommend double-checking the Form View and inserting the image/modifying the zones so that you see them within the scrolling panel, similar to how I created them in my sample file. 

    Here's a quick look at where you can modify this within Storyline 360: 

    I'm curious to hear if others in the community have come across this on their design journey! Looking forward to hearing their thoughts as well! ✨

    • NoraRouiller's avatar
      Community Member



      I  am also trying insert  hotsports on a picture in a scrolling panel. I watched your video but I can't manage to have those hotspots under the scrolling panel in the timeline. Can you record the whole process?


      Thank you

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hello Nora, 

        Happy to help!

        Here's a quick recording so you can see how you can add hotspots to images inside scrolling panels. Basically, you just need to "drop" the hotspot on the image that's inside the scrolling panel in order to include it.

        Let me know if you have any questions!