Forum Discussion

JulyLegaspi's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Failed .Xliff Import


As I am not very well versed with .xliff, I am not really sure where the upload is failing. We had multiple translated documents uploaded just fine but somehow this one part is giving us an error. Translated document is in Danish (if that helps). Thanks!

  • Hi July, I am sorry you are having some trouble with importing a translated XLIF file. I am here to help. The XLIF file can only be imported back to the exact same course it was exported from. If you import it to a different course, even if it is a duplicate, the import will fail.

    If you are importing the XLIF to the correct course and it is still failing, please open a case here. We would love to take a closer look and see what might be causing the issue.

  • I have a file from a course which was translated from English to Latin Spanish. The upload fails every time and the translation company doesn't know why this file would be failing. Yes, the file is being imported into the same course the English XLIFF file was exported from.

    I opened the *.XLF file in an XLIFF editor and all fields have been translated and align between source and target fields. I can' see why it would fail.

    • hazelB's avatar

      Hi Chris! So sorry to hear that your XLIFF fails to import. Please open a case here so that one of our technical support engineers can investigate why it is failing. 

  • Rise really needs to give more information as to why an import fails. I am having the same issue and the basic "Import failed" that Rise gives does not help me determine what the problem is.

    • hazelB's avatar

      Hi Gary! The errors would vary from file to file. Some .xlfs have extra characters, or extra XML codes in them. There's also some information about errors in this link.  I would suggest opening a case with us so that one of our technical support engineers can take a look at your file.

  • BridgettHorn's avatar
    Community Member

    I am having the same issue with the import failing.  A contractor did the original English version of the Rise lesson and did not duplicate the lesson and export individual XLIFF files for each language for the translators.  Is there any way to update the XLIFF file to be imported into a duplicate copy of the Rise lesson?  Is there a way to adjust the XML with an identifier or something that would allow this?  Any other suggestions on how to address this?


    • LerNetzLernmedi's avatar
      Community Member

      Just duplicate the original lesson and give it a nice name. Then import the XLIFF into the source of the duplicate (the source of the XLIFF export) and you're good to go. Background: each sequence in the exported file gets an ID - if this doesn't match on import (which is the case with a duplicate, nothing works... - when you import the translation into the source file of the xliff-export, the ID's match and the import works. Hope it helps - I made the same mistake today (and solved it like this)...