Forum Discussion

JaneBozarth's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Ever created your own L&D department/team?

Hi all, 
I'm doing a research project for the Learning Guild and would like to talk to a few people who have been responsible for starting/staffing a new L&D department/team/function. Have lots of contacts who have taken over existing groups but would like to hear from some who worked from the ground up. Please let me know if you have some experience here and would be up for a call about it. Thanks!

  • Let's talk! Happy to help you out with your research. I'll reach out to you through LinkedIn.

    • RichardWatson's avatar
      Super Hero


      I've done this for a few companies in the past. What I learned/experienced may not be applicable, but happy to chat with you.


  • Hi Jane, I have done this twice. Once I was on the team as the senior team member but not the manager. Most recently, I am in this spot as the manager. However, in my current role, the company does not have the commitment to truly funding the function, so I've had to get truly creative on how to do this with nothing (including no LMS and only one PT contractor). 

    If you're interested in talking about either of those slightly atypical situations, let me know. You can connect with me on LI if it's easier.

  • JaneBozarth's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks to all who responded! I ended up with 11 great interviewees so think I have what I need for now. Thanks for being such a great community! Watch for the report in a few weeks.