Forum Discussion

SimonRay-eb94e1's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Dark mode for Storyline 360

Hi there

Just wondering if there is a way now (or will be...) in SL360 settings to have the build tool adjustable to a dark grey background and tool bars like in the MS Office suite and Adobe CC programs. I jump from those with a nice dark grey to Storyline 360 and it's bright white window is a bit of a jolt on the eyes...



  • Hi Daryl,

    Thanks so much for sharing your interest with us for Dark Mode. We don't have any news at this time. We'll be sure to notify this thread with any updates in the future! 

    Hope that you have a great weekend and happy developing! ☀️

  • +1 for dark mode. I get headaches working in Storyline because I can't use it in dark mode, which is something I can do in literally every single other software program I use. 

    This is an extremely basic usability/accessibility feature, and it has consistently been requested for years. What's going on? Is Storyline just permanently in Alpha?

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi AI O!

      Thanks for sharing the feedback on the type of functionality you'd like to see in Storyline 360!

      I don't have any updates to share at this time as our development team has been prioritizing other features, but I've included you in the feature report. We'll be sure to update this discussion if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap!

      In the meantime, for your reference, here's a deeper look at how we manage feature requests.

  • The bright UI is searing after long work sessions... Please push this further up. I'd rather have this than AI anything right now...

    • DarylFrancis-10's avatar
      Community Member

      I 100% agree with this. I also agree with the other post regarding a permanent dark mode skin. If you can't implement a dark mode for Storyline 360, at least make the default skin dark. Please, and thank you. 

  • I am totally on board with a dark mode as well and agree with other users that after a long day, this bright screen does nothing for my eyes and headaches. How hard can it be, just about everything these days has a dark mode available. 


  • I agree, dark mode is necessary for several users, we would really like this update.