Forum Discussion

erinjones-fa967's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Course Title in Bottom Left Corner of Player

How do i get rid of Course Title in bottom left corner of the Player?

  • Hi, Erin.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Can you please send a screenshot of the Course Title on the bottom left of your player? 

    By default, the Course Title is on the top left and can't be moved. If you're experiencing something different, we definitely want to take a deeper look at what's going on.

  • Image attached.  I can not share whole screenshot due to information on course screen.  Does this help?


  • Hi, Erin.

    Thank you for sharing the screenshot!

    It looks like this is a setting from the LMS (Saba), not from Storyline. I'd recommend reaching out to them to find out how the title can be moved. 

    I know we have some community members using Saba who might be able to share their insights on this. 

    • erinjones-fa967's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Maria, that is what i thought too but our LMS contact internally said it wasn't in the SABA player but i thought it was so i will reach back out to them and advise it appears to be in SABA window.  Thank you